Thursday, September 15, 2022

GET ME REWRITE: Tighty Whities at WILL keep up their campaign of voter suppression

Headline:  Wisconsin State Journal, 9/15/2022  
Photos:  The WILL Team

Judge shopping:
A Waukesha County judge should declare that a federal voter registration form is illegal in Wisconsin because it omits questions and disclaimers required by state law, according to a lawsuit a conservative group filed Thursday against the Wisconsin Elections Commission. 
The so-called National Voter Mail Registration Form breaks state law by not asking applicants whether they have felony convictions and doesn't state that falsifying information on it is a felony, according to the lawsuit.

1/27/2022 update, "There they go again:  WILL team always eager to promote voter suppression and white privilege", starts here.

Elections Commission issued guidance in early 2020 to allow election clerks to make use of them. WILL and some Republicans have alleged the lack of statutory language makes the use of the boxes illegal. Proponents of drop boxes have said local election clerks should have discretion over their use and have targeted GOP efforts to limit or ban the boxes as an attempt to suppress votes. 
The boxes were widely used in 2020 as an alternative for voters worried that, with the crush of absentee ballots during the COVID-19 pandemic and potential delays in mail delivery, their ballots might not make it back before Election Day. At least 34 states used or planned to use ballot drop boxes in the 2020 election and about 16% of voters nationwide in the 2016 general election made use of the boxes, according to the Elections Commission. [emphasis added]

6/29/2021 update starts here.
The lawsuit, filed Monday by Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty on behalf of Richard Teigen, of Hartland, and Richard Thom, of Menomonee Falls, challenges the Wisconsin Elections Commission’s guidance to election clerks last year on the use of ballot drop boxes leading up to the 2020 election.

Other WILL posts:When Rick Esenberg tells the 4 lapdogs on the Wisconsin Supreme Court to roll over, they earn themselves a doggy bone.  (6/12/2021) Tighty Whities at WILL are overdue with a reckoning with whiteness.  (1/13/2021)

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