Thursday, May 6, 2021

THIS JUST IN!! Page revealed from Rebecca Bradley's gun-nut dissent in recent Wisconsin Supreme Court case


Urban Milwaukee, 5/5/2021
But in a dissent, Justice Rebecca Bradley made a full-throated defense of the man’s Second Amendment right to get drunk, fight with his roommates and guests and tell them they’re going to get a “a f—ing face full of lead” while carrying a gun.

5/5/2021 update, "Guess who's the one dissenter in a recent Wisconsin Supreme Court case?", starts here

Yup!  Rebecca Bradley, member of the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty clown show troupe.

Justice Rebecca Bradley, one of the court’s four conservatives, dissented, saying Christen has a Second Amendment right to carry a firearm in his own home in case of confrontation, regardless of whether he is intoxicated or not. Bradley said the ruling “erodes a fundamental freedom.”  [emphasis added]
Yup, she's that wacky!

Here's one of her choicest gems from last year.

“I’ll direct your attention to another time in history, in the Korematsu decision, where the court said the need for action is great and time is short, and that justified ‘assembling together and placing under guard all those of Japanese ancestry’ in assembly centers during World War II,” said Justice Rebecca Bradley, referring to the U.S. Supreme Court case in 1944 that upheld internment camps. 
Bradley said, “Isn’t it the very definition of tyranny for one person to order people to be imprisoned for going to work among other ordinarily lawful activities?”
This from a state supreme court jurist.  What an embarrassment for Wisconsin!

4/10/2021 update, "Meet Rebecca Bradley:  Supreme Court GOP and WILL lapdog dual agent", starts here.

Conservative Justices Rebecca Bradley and Annette Ziegler dissented. Bradley, in countering the majority opinion, wrote the Wisconsin law provision that states the Elections Commission is “responsible for the design and maintenance of the official registration list,” among other things, dictates the commission should purge the voters. 
The case was brought by plaintiffs represented by the conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL). [emphasis added]
One Wisconsin Now, 4/18/2018 (red box added)
According to records uncovered by One Wisconsin Now, Prof. Rick Esenberg, who also runs the right-wing Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, personally pleaded with Gov. Scott Walker to appoint Bradley to the bench in 2012 and was listed as reference on her state Supreme Court appointment. He also served as key supporter on her campaigns.

Related posts:
GOP lapdogs on Wisconsin Supreme Court sound off on Tony Evers' safer-at-home order (Rebecca Braldey edition).  (5/6/2020)

Rebecca Bradley to join Republicans Ted Cruz, Ron Johnson, Leah Vukmir at Charlie Sykes forum.  (3/23)
Dear Ron Johnson, We have a great candidate running for the Supreme Court. Her name is Joanne Kloppenburg.  (3/17)
Angry then, angry now.  (3/12)
Dear Chris, All of us lose if Rebecca Bradley is elected to a 10-year term on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.  (3/11)
Dear Rebecca Bradley, First of all, you are not serving the people of Wisconsin; you are serving your corporate masters.  (3/11)
When Rebecca Bradley wasn't having very healthy heterosexual sex in a loving marital relationship.  (3/11)
Dear Rebecca Bradley, What are your current thoughts on the feminist movement?  (3/9)
Dear Christian Schneider, I hope you can read lips.  (3/8)
Dear Scott Walker, Rebecca Bradley, your 3-time appointee, wrote at least 3 columns.  (3/7)
Dear Rebecca Bradley, Please tell us how these comments faded from your worldview.  (3/7/2016)

A fuller list of related posts is found here.

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