Saturday, March 6, 2021

Tales of Treason: Tom Tiffany goes to Washington

On Jan. 5, Tiffany announced he’d be objecting to the certification of the election results. 
“Failing to address these irregularities and violations, we risk further degrading public trust in our democratic institutions — and that is something no American can afford to let happen,” he wrote on Facebook. 
The next day, a violent mob — believing the lies spread by Tiffany, among others, that the election was fraudulent — stormed the U.S. Capitol in an effort to stop the certification of the results. In the days after the attack, Tiffany did not accept any responsibility for his role in spreading the lie that brought hundreds to D.C. In an email newsletter sent Jan. 8, he continued to claim there were “irregularities” in the election. 
On Jan. 9, he appeared at a closed-door rally in Wausau where he said he didn’t believe Trump had any role in inciting the insurrection and stood by as a right wing radio host called for “war.”

1/14/2021 update, "Tom 'Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch' Tiffany can't help himself as he drowns in a sea of false equivalency", starts here.

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"I was among the first to condemn the riots in madison [sic] months ago, and i [sic] condemn what happened last week," Tiffany said. "But where were the swift accusations of incitement and insurrection from the other side last year? Where was condemning last year from democrats [sic]?"
Tom Tiffany.  A most despicable person.

1/10/2021 update, "Inept Tom Tiffany, Trump Traitor, flails in a sea of false equivalency", starts here.

"It is now time for all of us — Democrats and Republicans alike — to turn down the temperature, condemn criminal violence and intimidation on all sides, stop the political score-settling, and move on with the business of the American people."

Original 1/10/2021 post, "Meet traitor Tom Tiffany, Trump sycophant", starts here.

Dear Donald Trump,

Signed, sealed, delivered.

I'm yours.


Tom Tiffany

WKOW, 1/10/2021

Rep. Tom Tiffany (R - Minocqua) said he considered the insurrection a continuation of a larger pattern of increasing political violence in the U.S.

"It never should've happened," Tiffany said. "This is a problem we have in America at this point and it goes all the way back to when we saw mobs in Minneapolis, Madison, Kenosha that have taken over our streets and now we see it at the nation's capital."

Tiffany said said he did agree Wednesday's incident was worse because it was an attempt to violently stop the transfer of federal power.

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