Saturday, March 6, 2021

GET ME REWRITE: Clash infects Wisconsin State Superintendent of Public Instruction race

It was inevitable., 3/5/2021

10/9/2018 update, "State Journal and Jounrl Sentinel agree:  If there's a debate, there's a clash", starts here.

4/27/2018 update, "Kevin Nicholson, in dark suit and white shirt and maroon tie, and Leah Vukimir, in red suit and white shell, clash but don't clash at debate", starst here.

YouTube video screenshot from Koch Brothers-sponsored debate
From the above-cited article.  Before the close, the debate ran along rather sedately for 55 minutes. The event was sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, which is part of the political network associated with industrialists Charles and David Koch. 
Nicholson and Vukmir are seeking the state party endorsement at the May 12 Republican Party of Wisconsin convention. 

3/3/2016 update, "In what might be a first, Rebecca Dallet and Michael Screnock do not clash during a debate", starts here.

2/6/2018 update, "UPDATE.  If it's campaign season, then it's time for candidates to clash", start s here.


10/15/2016 update, "Feingold, Johnson rock the casbah, just like they did in 2010", starts here.

10/10/2016 update, "Rocking the cashbah in La Crosse", starts here.

But Shilling looks far more formidable than she was in 2011. She has served on the Legislature’s powerful budget committee and became Senate minority leader last year. She has stayed scandal-free and has built up such a reputation among Democratic circles that she’s been mentioned as a possible 2018 gubernatorial candidate.
Both the Democratic incumbent Jen Shilling and GOP challenger Dan Kapanke whupped weak opponents in their respective primaries.  Shilling, however, kicked butt in the overall vote tallies

9/27/2016 update, " There was a debate last night, a clash occurred.  Rock the casbah!", starts here.

(Highlights added)

9/8/2016 update, Clinton, Trump rock the casbah, clash", starts here.

The verb continues to get a major workout.

PBS News Hour, 9/6/2016

Original 3/20/2016 post, "GOP candidates rock the casbah, clash at debates", start here.

Actually, folks, everybody doin' it.

CLASH.  A workhorse of a verb when it comes to presidential debate headlines!

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