Wednesday, May 6, 2020

GOP lapdogs on Wisconsin Supreme Court sound off on Tony Evers' safer-at-home order (Rebecca Braldey edition)

Reported in Supreme Court takes up lawsuit seeking to end Evers' stay-at-home order while economic toll rises . (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 5/5/2020)

Other lapdog Bradley posts:
Concerning Rebecca Bradley: Meet some of the Wisconsin voters who would be disenfranchised by recusal rules.  (4/20/2017)
Rebecca Bradley to join Republicans Ted Cruz, Ron Johnson, Leah Vukmir at Charlie Sykes forum.  (3/23/2016)
Dear Ron Johnson, We have a great candidate running for the Supreme Court. Her name is Joanne Kloppenburg.  (3/17/2016)
Angry then, angry now.  (3/12/2016)
Dear Chris, All of us lose if Rebecca Bradley is elected to a 10-year term on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.  (3/11/2016)
Dear Rebecca Bradley, First of all, you are not serving the people of Wisconsin; you are serving your corporate masters.  (3/11/2016)
When Rebecca Bradley wasn't having very healthy heterosexual sex in a loving marital relationship.  (3/11/2016)
Dear Rebecca Bradley, What are your current thoughts on the feminist movement?  (3/9/2016)
Dear Christian Schneider, I hope you can read lips.  (3/8/2016)
Dear Scott Walker, Rebecca Bradley, your 3-time appointee, wrote at least 3 columns.  (3/7/2016)
Dear Rebecca Bradley, Please tell us how these comments faded from your worldview.  (3/7/2016)

A fuller list of related posts is found here.

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