Saturday, January 12, 2019

Scott Walker's toxic legacy: Pay to play the groundwater contamination way

A company fighting for more than six years to build a mega-dairy near Wisconsin Rapids is in a new legal battle over nitrates that contaminated water supplies near another of its operations.  
The Wysocki company has been battling Saratoga residents and town officials since announcing in June 2012 that it planned to build a concentrated animal feeding operation or CAFO, in Saratoga. The proposed Golden Sands Dairy, which would hold about 4,000 cows and have about 6,000 acres of crops where the company will spread the manure from the cows, has been the subject of controversy since it was proposed.

They also enriched Scott Walker's "campaign fund" by $31,126.86 over a period of 5+ years.

Other Scott Walker toxic legacy posts:
The first 3 chapters:  environment, transportation, corrections.
Chapter 4:  Wisconsin families can't afford basic necessities edition.  (12/12/2018)
Chapter 5. Scott Walker's shameful legacy: The black-white high-school graduation gap edition.  (12/12/2018)
Chapter 6. Scott Walker's shameful legacy (the higher education edition).  (12/13/2018)
Taking credit where no credit is due.  (1/7/2019)
Not telling the whole story.  (1/7/2019)
Gliding over the disparities.  (1/7/2019)
Voter suppression.  (1/7/2019)
Teacher bashing compounded by cuts to education.  (1/8/2019)
Just fine and dandy with treading water over high school graduation rates.  (1/8/2019)
And then, to make matters worse, he apparently hacks his son's Twitter account.  (1/9/2019)
Dear Scott Walker, You forgot to mention this part of "OUR LEGACY".  Best, Retiring Guy.  (1/12/2019)
Scott Walker's toxic legacy: "Power to the people" hypocrisy" (Taking away local control).  (1/12/2019)

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