Thursday, November 29, 2018

Wisconsin 2018 elections UPDATE: Who won in the 93rd Assembly District

Warren Petryk (R-Eleva) wins a 5th term to the Assembly.

Source:  Ballotpedia

The Squiggly, Jigsaw Art 
of the Wisconsin Gerrymander
Source:  Ballotpedia

Democrats Rejected Redistricting Reform.  (Urban Milwaukee, 6/25/2018)
“Every party that comes into power, their leaders … are convinced – as my legislative leaders were – ‘Oh, we’re going to draw the [next] lines’,” [Jeff] Smith [former Democratic legislator in the 93rd and newly elected state senator for the 31st District] said in a WisconsinEye campaign interview. 
Smith said he and now-retired Democratic Rep. Spencer Black repeatedly pushed Assembly party leaders to act on redistricting reform. They refused. 
“I wanted [reform] to pass,” Smith added. 
“Unfortunately, those Democratic leaders learned a hard lesson,” Smith said, referring to maps that punished Democrats enacted by Republican legislators and signed into laws by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011.

Original 7/24/2018 who's running post starts here.
Sources include  Wisconsin Elections Commission

Petryk's margin of victory in last 2 general elections:
  • 10.8 percentage points in the 2014 general election; no primary challenger
  • unopposed in the 2016 general election; no primary challenger

(which does the best job of outlining
The Art of the Wisconsin Gerrymander)

Campaign website links:
Warren Petryk for Assembly
Warner for Assembly

Related article:
93rd Assembly district:  Warner is 'old-fashioned' Dem.  (Eau Claire Leader Telegram, 5/1/2018).

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