Saturday, February 20, 2016

GOP-led Assembly passes bill requiring agencies to cut budgets by 5% after voting to increase per diems 57% last year

Assembly passes bill requiring state agencies to find 5 percent in cuts.  (Wisconsin State Journal, 2/19/2016)

And by now, you can probably map the locations of SB407 sponsors in your sleep.

Related post:
Assembly voting on increase in per diem rates.  (Wisconsin State Journal, 1/15/2015)

Additional Republican hypocrisy:
Apparently, Scott Walker thinks no one is paying attention.  (1/23/2016)
Cartoon Conservative Principles.  (5/6/2015)
The Usual Hypocrisy: What Scott Walker sez on his campaign website and what he does in the Governor's office are two different things.
Hey, wait a minute.  I thought Mitch McConnell claimed to be a science illiterate.  (10/7/2014)
What happens when what crawls out from under a rock runs for office and wins.  (5/8/2014) 
Republican hypocrisy: The "hits" to local control just keep on coming.  (2/28/2014)
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial board calls out Republican hypocrisy.  (2/17/2014)
And the hypocrisy just keeps on coming: Republicans can't even give lip service to their "Principles". (2/14/2014)
Yet another lesson in Republican hypocrisy.  (2/13/2014)
Another lesson in hypocrisy: Wisconsin Republicans disparage Mary Burke for her wealth.  (1/31/2014)
A lesson in hypocrisy, Waukesha County edition.  (1/29/2014)
Your Wisconsin Republican Assembly hard at work promoting Governor Walker's jobs agenda (and GOP principles).  (11/15/2013)

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