Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Scott Walker Returns the Favor to His Generous School Choice Campaign Donors

Cowles calls for pulling policy from state budget. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 4/6/2015)
Cowles, an Allouez Republican, called for the removal of all 49 items that the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau has deemed to be primarily policy matters. They include proposals to take away power from the Natural Resources Board, expand school voucher programs and establish a commission to review the pay of judges.

And -- surprise! surprise! -- 10 of them address nonfiscal issues related to private school choice programs and charter schools

It's called pay to play.  And Scott Walker is returning the favor.

$10 Million In 10 Years Drives School Agenda.  Walker expanding program after millions in backing by voucher supporters.  (Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, 4/15/2013)
Wealthy campaign contributors and shadowy electioneering groups that back school voucher programs have spent nearly $10 million in 10 years in Wisconsin – much of it to help twice elect a governor who is trying to sharply expand the program, a Wisconsin Democracy Campaign review found. 

Spending by school choice backers included $2.8 million in individual campaign contributions to mostly Republican and conservative candidates for statewide office and the legislature from 2003 through mid-2012, and $7 million for outside electioneering activities, like negative mailings and broadcast ads, from 2003 through 2012.

"Scott Walker, he's our man. If he can't do it, nobody can!"

 Red highlight added to WDC table.

Related posts:
Republicans ready to let school voucher supporters cash in on their investments.  (1/13/2015)
A self-serving dollop of nonsense from the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice.  (10/1/2014)
Retiring Assembly Representative Steve Kestell sees school choice expansion as a "potential mistake on the horizon".  (9/29/2014)
"In fairness" and "school choice demonstration project" should not be used in the same sentence.
Reading between the lines.  (9/8/2013)
Vos damns Olsen proposal with faint praise.  (8/15/2013)
Imagine Alberta Darling telling her Republican constituents, "You're my tools!"  (6/16/2013)
FoxNews 11 can't bring itself to say "tea party".  (6/13/2013)
ALEC's to death.  (6/7/2013)
Bought and paid for.  (5/3/2013)
Education vs. indoctrination.  (5/2/2013)
School choice field trip?  (4/26/2013)
Spending by school choice backers: Sort of like Christmas for some folks.  (4/15/2013)
Study analysis likely to be pooh-poohed by majority of the Wisconsin State Legislature, who prefer ideology over evidence.  (4/4/2013)
The New York Times provides an overview of school choice without mentioning the American Legislative Exchange Council's orchestration.  (3/26/2013)
Conjuring up a metaphorical firestorm.  (2/25/2013)
Wisconsin's school voucher program provides $6,400 in public money per private school student.  (12/2/2012)
Reporter Writes About "Flood" of School Voucher Legislation without Mentioning ALEC.  (8/2/2011)

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