Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Two Are So Easily Confused

Neo-Con Republicans Make Pilgrimage to Vegas to Kiss the Ring of Oligarch Sheldon Adelson. (Liberty Blitzkrieg,4/1/2014)
For those still daydreaming that the GOP may nominate a more libertarian-leaning candidate in 2016, rather than the typical big government, warmongering neo-con, the biggest obstacle in your way is Sheldon Adelson and his billions. This threat was on clear display this past weekend in Vegas when Chris Christie, Paul Walker and Jeb Bush all made the pilgrimage to “kiss his ring.”

Although Ryan previously had an audience with Adelson, he wasn't part of the 2014 pilgrimage.

And it's clear that the rest of the U.S. isn't particularly enamored of Scott Walker's voice. 

Related posts:
Less than a week after the election, Scott Walker is already promoting his Presidential bona fides.  (11/10/2014)
Scott Walker's flights of fancy: He thinks he's gonna be President.  (10/9/2014)
"Undecided" leads, Scott Walker brings up the rear in McClatchy-Marist Republican Presidential Primary poll.  (10/5/2014)
Remember this hilarious Scott Walker headline from 2012?   (8/31/2014)
Scott Walker wonders why Iowa Republicans aren't playing his song.  (8/28/20140
Bobby Jindal's Tea-Party pandering gets him nowhere.  (8/21/2014)
Tight gubernatorial race outs Scott Walker's Presidential ambitions on Hold.  (8/15/2014) 
Scott Walker joins the 2016 Republican Presidential candidate wooing game of Hispanic voters.  (8/9/2014) 
Fox News poll has got the love for Rick Perry.  (7/28/2014) 
CNN/ORC poll: 2016 Republican primary preferences.  (7/28/2014) 
Scott Walker looks to Iowa and wonders.  (7/18/2014)
Scott Walker:  "Try not to talk about 2016 right now."  7/13/2014)
New Hampshire Republicans to Chris Christie: "C'mon, baby, (re)light our fire"!  (7/13/2014)
Quinnipiac polls: Chris Christie's favorables take a tumble after George Washington Bridge scandal hits the news .  (7/10/2014)
Quinnipiac polls: Since May 2013, Jeb Bush's unfavorables outpace his favorables .  (7/9/2014)
Do Republicans have a problem with women voters?  (7/9/2014)
Based on 15 months of Quinnipiac polling, Scott Walker is the only Republican candidate with any momentum.  (7/9/2014)
Republican 2016 Presidential primary preferences are flattening.  (7/9/2014) 
Scott Walker edges out Rick Santorum and Bobby Jindal in New Hampshire Republican Presidential primary poll.  (6/20/2014)
Another Presidential poll, another 5% for Walker.  (6/16/2014)
Hello, Wisconsin independent voters, Scott Walker is polling at 6% in Iowa.  (5/23/2014)
If that's the case, Walker should immediately announce that he's not a candidate for the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination.  (5/23/2014
The Marquette University Law School poll asks the question, Do Wisconsin voters want to see Walker run for president in 2016? (5/22/2014)
"Scott Walker" tied with "None" for 1st choice in CNN/ORC Republican Presidential preference poll.  (5/8/2014)
Another Presidential primary poll, another 5% showing for Scott Walker.  (5/1/2014)
I hope Scott Walker had a good Easter cuz Donald Trump is outpolling him in New Hampshire. (4/20/2014)
Fox News: Scott Walker polling neck-and-neck with Rick Santorum.  (4/17/2014)
Iowa Republican caucus voters not singing Scott Walker's song.  (4/10/2014)
Scott Walker still "Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again".    (4/4/2014)
While Mary Burke campaigns for Governor, Scott Walker continues to run for President.  (3/28/2014)
The Washington Examiner offers a boost to Scott Walker Presidential campaign without a hint of irony.  (3/26/2014)
Let's do an ID update on this Townhall straw poll.  (3/25/2014)
Scott Walker for President 2016: Pundits like the idea but the public sez "meh".  (3/16/2014)
Scott Walker is in a bind.  (3/15/2014)
Christie/Walker meme, part 3.  (3/8/2014)
Christie/Walker meme, part 2.  (3/7/2014)
Christie/Walker meme, part 1.  (3/7/2014)
The chattering class falls hard for Scott Walker, but the voters are still scratching their heads.  (3/6/2014)
So he, too, can embarrass himself.  (12/30/2013)

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