Sunday, September 22, 2024

Changing political landscape of Douglas County Georgia: From 57% of the vote for segregationist George Wallace in 1968 to 62% of the vote for Joe Biden in 2020

Once Demented Don entered the pitcure, Democrats in Douglas County have increased their margins of victory from 4 percntage points in 2012 to 25.1 in 2020.

Source:  Wikipedia (elections and population)
3rd-party candidates received 16.7% of vote in 1992, 
8.9% of vote in 1996, 4% in 2016;
(Alabama segregationist George Wallace received 
57.4% of the vote in 1968)

The population of Douglas County has increasd 420 % since 1970.

Majority Black county
Source:  US Census Bureau QuickFacts

Part of metro Atlanta

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