Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Voters in Kalamazoo County don't care much for Donald Trump

Source:  Wikipedia
3rd party votes:  21.4% in 1992, 7.3% in 1996. 6.4% in 2016
(Alabama segregationist George Wallace received 10.3% of the vote in 1968)

Trump received 5,789 more votes than he did in 2016, a 10% increase.

Biden received 13,538 more votes than Clinton did in 2016, an increase of 25%.

Trump's share of the vote increased by 0.9 percentage points.  Biden increased Clinton's share of the vote by 5 percentage points.

New York Times, 8/22/2024
For years, when Michigan politicians talked about the state’s housing problem, they were referring to a surplus: too many run-down houses, stripped of valuable copper, sitting empty and blighting neighborhoods. Now the message has flipped. In her State of the State address this year, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer lamented the housing shortage and landed one of her biggest applause lines with, “The rent is too damn high, and we don’t have enough damn housing. So our response is simple: ‘Build, baby, build!’” 
If you want to know what the housing crisis for middle-income Americans looks like in 2024, spend some time in Michigan. The surplus-to-shortage whipsaw here is a mitten-shaped miniature of what the entire country has gone through.

% of population 25 and older with bachelor's degree:
  • 40.5% - Kalamazoo County
  • 31.1% - Michigan
  • 34.3% - U.S.
% of population 65 and older:
  • 16.6% - Kalamazoo County
  • 19.2% - Michigan
  • 17.7% - U.S.
% of population living in poverty:
  • 12.2% - Kalamazoo County
  • 13.4% - Michigan
  • 11.5% - U.S. 

Kalamazoo County has maintained a steady, if unspectacular, rate of population growth.
Source:  Wikipedia

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