Friday, August 2, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Laura Ingraham admits that conservative members of U.S. Supreme Court are unable to conform to a high moral standard

HeadlineMedia Matters for America, 7/29/2024
Second, term limits for justices, I don't really have any problem with this as long as it's done through a constitutional amendment. Good luck with that. And as far as this binding code of conduct for justices, knowing how these people operate, I would fight this proposal with every ounce of energy that I have. Because we know exactly what's going to happen here. 
Every conservative justice will be constantly brought under investigation and no liberal will ever be investigated. And in the end, conservatives literally won't be able to afford to serve on the court. The investigations would destroy them financially, if not legally. I would not even enter into negotiations on this proposal.
But guess who is making all of the headlines, Laura Bora.

The 2 most conservative justices on the Court.

Miami Herald, 6/25/2024

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