Sunday, July 21, 2024

Welcome to the Club! MSNBC's Katy Tur is Trump's latest victim of The Art of the Con

Top:  The Observer, 10/4/2023
Bottom:  AlterNet, 7/20/2024 
According to Mary Trump, MSNBC viewers should be skeptical of Tur's observations about her uncle. 
"Despite having no evidence for making this claim, Katy Tur of MSNBC said during Donald Trump's first appearance at the Republican convention, that he was humbled," 
Mary Trump observed."Okay," she continued. "First of all, this is non-journalism, this is evidence-free supposition. Second, considering the man doesn't have an ounce of humility in his entire body, that is a bit of stretch — seriously." 
"I mean there is no circumstance under which this man has ever felt humility or been humbled," the ex-president's niece continued before showing a picture of a smirking Trump in his convention box. 
"That is the look of a man who is completely and pleasantly shocked he keeps getting away with everything," she pointed out.

Other member of the club:
Shawn McCreesh (New York Times).  (7/18/2024)

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