Thursday, June 20, 2024

Vocabulary lesson: According to Merriam-Webster, the first-known us of "life coach" occurred in 1969

Headline:  New York Times, 6/2/2024
She is part of a growing cohort speaking out about the opaque underbelly of life coaching, an unregulated industry with an often-hefty price-tag, and a significant cost reaching far beyond funds spent. With early roots in the late-20th-century pull toward self-improvement, life coaching broadly encompasses a program of goal-setting and talk-therapy-style sessions aimed at improving an individual’s circumstances and well-being. Business is booming.

"Scammer" is not listed as a synonym.

  1. anti-consumerism
  2. flesh-pressing
  3. get one's life together
  4. hands-on
  5. overbill
  6. rip-off
  7. tip of the iceberg

More vocabulary lessons:
March-June 2024
Face-plant.  (6/8)
Veggie.  (4/26)  
Dox/doxxing  (4/11)
Edgelord.  (3/23)
Dad joke. 3/4)

February 2024
Edutainment.  (2/16)
Cut, as an adjective.  (2/13).  .
Flunky.  (2/5)
Janky.  (2/2)
Kiddo.  (2/2)

January 2024
Bonkers.  (1/31)
Heebie-jeebies.  (1/31)
Nudification.  (1/31)
Right-size.  (1/14)

Dumpster fire.  (10/20/2022)

Swinge.  (12/18/2018)


Yaw.  (2/28/2013)

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