Friday, June 28, 2024

Then and Now: Country Club Garden Apartments in Denver Colorado (with a tip o' the hat to Racine Wisconsin)

Then:  Advertisement in the April 1940 edition of The Architectural Forum

From the Cultural Landscape Foundation:
Comprised of 187 units in five apartment buildings and numerous variously-scaled courtyards, this highly-detailed six-acre complex was constructed in 1940 with a layout that was inspired by Denver’s system of parks and parkways. Developed for middle class renters, this was the first Federal Housing Administration project in Denver. Designed by Fisher, Fisher & Hubbell Architects, the three and four-story brick apartment buildings are organized symmetrically along two primary axes. Landscape architect Walter Pesman endeavored to maintain open views along its east-west axis while uniting the complex with the nearby parkway by employing courtyards, interconnecting walkways, and formal planting designs.

Almost now (2014)

Now:  Towering example of historic preservation  (Construction of twin 32-story towers completed in 2018).  The shorter tower was built in 1987.

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