Thursday, June 13, 2024

Suicide, the hidden epidemic, comprised 56% of all gun-related deaths in 2022


New York Times, 6/10/2024
Over the past three years, Montana’s typically elevated suicide rate was the highest in the nation, according to an analysis of federal mortality data by The New York Times. In a state of 1.1 million people, 955 people died by suicide from January 2021 through November 2023. Other states in the Mountain West, including Wyoming and New Mexico, have also struggled with high suicide rates and face many of the same challenges as Montana. 
Last year, suicides in Montana and the nation declined to near prepandemic levels. But the rate of suicides in Montana remained one of the worst in the country, and a source of widespread grief across the state.

Related posts:
New York Times reports on suicide prevention but doesn't mention "guns" or "firearms".  (2/21/2024)

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