Friday, June 7, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Trump-endorsed candidate for CD8 Tony Wied has a funny way of campaigning

Headline:  Green Bay Press Gazette, 6/7/2024
A former Green Bay alderman filed a complaint Thursday with the state elections board alleging petitioners for Wied at a farmers market in Green Bay late last month asked people to sign papers to help the homeless, though the documents were’s nomination papers. Tony Theisen, the former alderman who has also volunteered to collect signatures for one of Wied’s primary opponents, state Sen. Andre Jacque, said two petition circulators for Wied on the morning of May 25 asked shoppers to sign Wied’s papers by presenting them as a petition for “housing for the homeless.”

Related post:
Special guest star Donald Trump Jr. doesn't exactly pack 'em in at rally for Tony Wied in De Pere.  (6/5/2024)

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