Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Welcome to Ron DeSantis's Florida: Don't say gay, don't say climate change. What idiocy is next?

Ron enjoys a day at the office

Screenshots Florida Bulldog (left), Miami Herald (right)

He's a terrible governor and would have made an even worse president.
From the Florida Bulldog:  Gov. Ron DeSantis made news last week by enshrining climate change denial in state law, just as 2024 is shaping up to be the hottest year on record with a predictably hyperactive hurricane season. [emphasis added]
The state’s two million outdoor workers can only brace for more senseless tragedy. An extensive effort to protect them from heat-related conditions that cause illness and death failed spectacularly this year when legislators stepped up instead to pass a law that bars municipalities from creating their own safeguards. 
“Floridians feel it getting hotter and understand how difficult and dangerous it is to labor in the sun and heat,” says a March 29 letter from 88 environmental, progressive and religious groups that urged DeSantis to veto the legislation. “Preempting local governments’ ability to 
protect workers from climate-caused extreme heat is inhumane and will have enormous negative economic impacts when lost productivity is taken into account.” DeSantis signed the controversial House Bill 433 on April 11. He said only Miami-Dade County was concerned about the issue of heat protection, and “I think they were pursuing something that was going to cause a lot of problems down there.”
Related post:

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