Sunday, May 5, 2024

Mordgridge Hall: New UW-Madison School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences building (May 2024 construction site visit)

Photos by Retiring Guy

Renderings:  LMN Architects

UW-Madison News, 4/11/2024
For the first time, a University of Wisconsin–Madison building will bear the name of John and Tashia Morgridge, alumni and visionary partners to UW–Madison, who have for decades made significant contributions to the university, beginning with a humble $10 gift in the 1960s. With the recommendation of university leaders and the approval of the Board of Regents, the new, state-of-the-art School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences building will be named Morgridge Hall. 
The School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences represents a forward-thinking collaboration focused on the intersection of technology and humanity. The Morgridges’ gift of $140 million, including a $50 million challenge grant that inspired gifts from additional donors, has been instrumental in bringing Morgridge Hall to fruition. 
The building is slated to open in 2025 and will feature modern classrooms and research facilities, collaborative spaces and a commitment to sustainability. Morgridge Hall is poised to become a hub of creativity, innovation and discovery and represents a bold investment in the future of computing, data and information sciences at UW–Madison.

Renderings:  LMN Architects


Related series of posts:
Previous series of sit visits:  October 2022, March 2023, June 2023, July 2023, January 2024

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