Wednesday, May 22, 2024

MAGA Team Drool and the implosion of the Michigan GOP

Top headline: AlterNet, 5/22/2024
Bottom headline:  City Pulse, 5/21/2024

From AlterNet
The System Falls Apart 
What divides the Republican Party of 2024 is not any one policy or ideology. It is not whether to support Donald Trump. The most important fault line in the party now is democracy itself. Today’s Republican insurgents believe democracy has been stolen, and they don’t trust the ability of democratic processes to restore it. 
This phenomenon is evident across the country, in Georgia and Nevada, in Arizona, Idaho and Florida. But it’s perhaps the starkest in Michigan, a place long associated with political pragmatism and a business-friendly GOP, embodied by governors George Romney, John Engler and, most recently, Rick Snyder. It was a son of Michigan, former President Gerald Ford, who once said, “I have never mistaken moderation for weakness, nor civility for surrender.”  [emphasis added]

Related posts:
What happens when a MAGA election denier clown runs a state's Republican Party (Kristina Karamo of Michigan edition).  (12/8/2023)

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