Friday, May 10, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: When it comes to the broad-based appeal of Wisconsin U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, Beltway pundits and right-wing radio chatterboxes just don't get it

Recent polls have indicated that two-term Democratic U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and Republican challenger Eric "The Pledge Guy" Hovd are in a dead heat.  

Headline:  Wisconsin Public Radio, 5/10/2024

We've seen this movie before, folks!

The Hill, 8/22/2018

Two-and-a-half months later, Tammy beat The Leahs by 11 percentage points.

In 2012, Tammy ran against one of the highest-profile GOP candidates in Wisconsin history, 4-term Governor and failed presidential candidate Tommy Thompson.  She beat him by 4 1/2 percentage points.

The clueless, insular Beltway political pundits and blithering right-wing radio chatterboxes are unable to understand what an effective campaigner and legislator Tammy is.

Related posts:
Always a good idea to take individual polls with a grain of salt  (Marquette Law School August 2018 edition).  (3/21)
Wisconsin Republicans do the Chicken Dance while Tammy Baldwin gears up for the 3rd term in the U.S. Senate.  (11/24)

July 2023

June 2023

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