Wednesday, May 22, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Former Trump staffer and current executive director of Wisconsin GOP has a history with Black voter suppression

Top headlineWisconsin State Journal, 4/17/2024
Bottom headline:  Wisconsin Public Radio, 5/9/2024

From WPR:
The letter cites text messages between Andrew Iverson, who now serves as executive director of the Wisconsin Republican Party, and Carlton Huffman, an embattled former GOP operative. 
The messages suggest they wanted to overwhelm the resources of Souls to the Polls, which provides transportation to voters on Election Day, with an emphasis on helping voters from underserved and Black neighborhoods. 
Those texts, first reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, show Iverson asking Huffman if they could get supporters of Trump to use Souls to the Polls’ services. The group does not ask voters about their party affiliation, although Milwaukee is a Democratic stronghold in the state. 
Iverson told Huffman he was “excited” about that plan, and to “(w)reak havoc.” Huffman later suggested that Trump supporters flood the group’s phone lines with phony requests.

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