Monday, May 13, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Bastion of Trumpiness in northern Wisconsin ditches its electronic voting machines

Election resultsRusk County Clerk, Wikipedia
HeadlineMilwaukee Journal Sentinel, 5/13/2024

From the article by Molly Beck:
The vote by a small board overseeing the Town of Thornapple in Rusk County, population 711, to rely solely on hand counting paper ballots took place last year and caught the eye of state and federal officials after the April presidential primary election when advocates for voters with disabilities rang alarm bells. 
The decision was made in June 2023, according to town supervisor Tom Zelm − around the time of a discussion in the local newspaper over whether to abandon electronic voting machines and amid visits to the area by one of the nation's most prominent purveyors of election conspiracy theories. Town officials (including the town chair) would not tell the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel exactly what prompted the vote, which could violate federal laws mandating accessible voting options, and have so far not responded to requests under the state's public records law for minutes of the town board meeting during which the vote was taken.

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