Tuesday, May 7, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Wyoming provides the soundtrack as United States boogies its way to doomsday

Not something to celebrate

HeadlineCowboy State Daily, 5/5/2024
Despite all the gloom and doom of coal industry projections that call for falling production from the Cowboy State, America’s coal heartland is expected to hit an astonishing 9 billion tons of coal produced in the last 25 years since 1998. 
It’s a silver lining for a region that has been bleeding red ink of late. 
Given the projections about cuts in coal production expected this year out of St. Louis-based coal behemoths Arch Resources Inc. and Peabody Energy Corp., and previous trends reported on overall coal volume in the first half of the year being down more than 20%, it’s likely that the 9 billion ton milestone could be reached in July.

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