Monday, May 13, 2024

Case in point: Wisconsin's GOP legislative leadership


Michelle Cottle op-ed @ New York Times, 5/9/2024
Ms. Noem’s gender issues seem to go beyond whatever problem she may have with Ms. Haley. The governor has, in recent years, undergone a striking stylistic Trumpification, as detailed by The Times’s chief fashion critic, Vanessa Friedman. Her hair has gotten longer and more luxuriant, her lips plumper and glossier, her eyelashes thicker, her clothing sleeker. And then there are her refurbished teeth, which led Ms. Noem to post a lengthy video tribute to the Texas dental practice responsible — which led not only to mockery but also a bizarre lawsuit. 
The made-over Ms. Noem seems set on aligning herself with a particular kind of femininity, far more glamorous and camera-ready than her earlier incarnation, and presumably improving her attractiveness score with Mr. Trump, who is known for rating women’s appearance on a scale of 1 to 10. No question, the former reality-TV star is taken with women and men alike who he thinks look straight out of central casting — by which he effectively means central casting from the 1950s.

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