Friday, January 19, 2024

The tender sensibilities of Robin Vos and his Assembly Republicans

HeadlineWisconsin Public Radio, 1/18/2023

Could these GOP elected officials they be more direct in revealing their racism and homophobia?
As written, the bill — which passed by a vote of 62-35 on pure party lines — would guarantee parents control over which health care services, including vaccination, their children receive at school. And schools would be required to notify parents before subjects deemed “controversial” are discussed in class. Parents could opt their kids out of certain lessons and be empowered to file suit for up to $10,000 if they feel any of those rights have been violated. 
The bill defines controversial material as “a subject of substantial public debate, disagreement, or disapproval and specifies that the term includes instruction about gender identity, sexual orientation, racial identity, structural, systemic, or institutional racism, or content that is not age-appropriate.”

Related posts:
Usual GOP suspects sponsor bill to expurgate subjects from school curriculum that bruise their tender sensibilities.  (1/6/2024)

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