Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Project 2025 UPDATE: Heritage Foundation parties like it's 1933

Headline: LA Progressive, 1/21/2024
One of Fascism’s distinguishing characteristics is a compulsive drive to think backwards to the past to look for solutions to new problems. Make America Great Again – back to those simpler, happier times of Jim Crow segregation, anti-gay laws and McCarthyite anti-communism. 
The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 is the fascist program for whoever becomes president in 2024, whether Republican or Democrat. It is also designed for, and offered to, every politician in America. On its face, their document, Mandate for Leadership – the Conservative Promise, is a program that calls for restoring every element of White Christian dictatorship – protect billionaires, make corporations impervious to the people, indemnify killer cops, privatize schools, abolish Black History and LGBTQ+ laws, censor books and purge the country of thinking.

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