Sunday, January 14, 2024

Meet GOP hypocrite of the day: California congresswoman Michelle Steel

Headline:  New York Times, 1/12/2024
In 2021, Representative Michelle Steel, a California Republican whose district President Biden won in 2020, cosponsored the Life at Conception Act, a bill to recognize a fertilized egg as a person with equal protections under the 14th Amendment.

Michelle Steel craftily, or so she thinks, demurs.

January 12, 2024.  After dithering for a year, Michelle Steel signs onto Life at Conception Act, endorsing a national abortion ban.

More from the Times:
Ms. Steel waited nearly a year to sign on — doing so on Friday morning, only after her Democratic challenger criticized her for flip-flopping on the issue for political gain and The New York Times notified her of a story documenting her change in position. Nearly three dozen other Republican lawmakers who supported it during the last Congress, including several who face tough re-election races in competitive districts, have yet to sign on again.

Michelle Steel represents this gerrymandered Orange County district.

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