Thursday, January 18, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: All 7 GOP members of Wisconsin's Congressional delegation vote to shut down portions of the government, including veterans' assistance programs

Alabama and Mississippi have nothing on Wisconsin when it comes to nay-sayers.

Headline:  Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 1/18/2023

We can fix this in November.  (RoJo excluded, unfortunately.)
Passage of the measure prevents the lapse in funding for a portion of the government — including for veterans’ assistance programs and the Department of Transportation — that was set to expire at the end of the day Friday. It also extends funding for the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, as well as funding for other departments and programs, which was set to run out on Feb. 2. 
Congress in November passed a short-term stopgap measure, called a continuing resolution or CR, that staggered funding expiration dates for the government’s 12 funding bills to Jan. 19 and Feb 2. But the divided body had been unable to negotiate passage of those bills and ultimately passed another short-term measure.

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