Tuesday, January 16, 2024

2024 Iowa caucuses: Nikki Haley and the surge that wasn't

As it turns out, it's Ron DeSantis who experienced a surge.  If you want to believe the polls in the first place.   He exceeded his RCP polling average by 5.5 percentage points.  And he had pretty much been left for dead as a presidential candidate by the political cognoscenti.

Poll resultsReal Clear Politics
Headline:  Huffpost, 1/13/2024, 
The poll reinforced Trump’s projected strength in Iowa, while also underscoring Haley’s slow consolidation of the GOP field and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ stagnation despite investing the bulk of his resources here. Trump was the polling leader at 48%, with Haley at 20% and DeSantis slipping into third place at 16%.

Related post:
What rise in the polls?  (Starring Nikki Haley).  (1/11/2024)

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