Monday, July 17, 2023

Covid Chronicles: Chapter 58: Family Reunion, Revamped

Read chapter 57 here

Wednesday, July 16, 2020 

At the end of May, our niece Colleen, the oldest of Paula's four children, sent out the accompanying message to the Andrews’ Crew 2019 Facebook page, a closed group. 

Sharon immediately contacted JoAnna before responding, as she was definitely NOT GOOD with hosting this year and wanted advice on how best to decline without hurting anyone’s feelings. (Sharon is JoAnna’s first cousin once removed, or something along those genealogical lines.) Her biggest concern was having a houseful of people. Last year she hosted 7 members of the Rehr family, all three of her extra bedrooms ‘booked’ for the weekend. This year we have the virus and a need to social distance. 

JoAnna took the lead and suggested an alternative approach to this year’s reunion. 

I agree with Sharon that we may want to delay the reunion until we know for certain that the virus and social distancing is lifted. With Paul and Sharon at that magic age, I don’t want to put them at risk. Perhaps we can think about September and celebrate the new baby boy Mroz, little Abigail and get together for a shorter reunion. 
(Colleen is due in August, her and Allen’s second child. Abigail is Bill Jr. and Glenda’s first child, just a few months old.) 

At some point in mid-June — I forget how it came about exactly — JoAnna did an about-face and decided that we should host the reunion. And that that the family gathering should be take place on the weekend when our Bastille Day party would have been scheduled had the virus not wiped it off our summer calendar: July 17-19. 

In her defense, this change of mind took place before we started to ascend the steep incline you see in the column graph. 

“You’re not anticipating that everyone stay here?” I asked nonplussed, wondering what had happened to my ‘magic’ status.

“No, I’ll reserve a block of hotel rooms.” 

She then threw herself into the planning phase with an enthusiasm that would have put D.C. party maven Pearl Mesta to shame. She seemed determined to expand the guest list as much as possible, encouraging Albert and his family to join us before they went to the Richard family reunion in Two Rivers. Inexplicably, she seemed almost offended that Amanda, the youngest of Paula’s three daughters, and her family declined to join us. Amanda shared the reasons why on the Andrews’s Crew page. 
I would say for us most likely not. Now that there’s 5 of us, that’s a lot to house and all of us in one room is a disaster and a nearly 1 year old may not be everyone’s cup of tea. I also work on Friday’s and cannot request another off for a while Bc of, yah, covid.
Once Cindy and Jen bowed out, JoAnna consider putting up Amanda, Jon, and their 3 children at our house, giving them the president’s room and moving Andy into the family room. I gently pushed back on this ill-considered idea. 

I anticipated Cindy’s cancellation. She coordinates Manitowoc County's Meals on Wheels program, and Jen, a teacher, has been helping her out with volunteer coordination this summer. Both have frequent contacts with older adults. To risk getting the virus would put Cindy in a compromising position. It was a smart move on her part, disappointing to JoAnna, but one she accepted. I wouldn’t be surprised if Cindy had become alarmed by the expanding guest list. 

JoAnna returned to the Amanda front last weekend during a phone call with Paula. Apparently, JoAnna hadn’t canceled the hotel room she reserved for Cindy and Jen and offered it to Amanda and her family. She asked Paula to be the messenger. 

“As her mom, you know her better than I do,” she added to her request. 

The incident left me dumbfounded. 

I could tell from Paula’s reaction, broadcast through JoAnna phone, that she was immediately dubious about the outcome. In fact, she sounded downright hesitant to make the ask. Which, as it turned out, was firmly turned down. 

Andy and I have both expressed our own reservations. Very cautiously, so as not to offend JoAnna. She is determined to make the reunion weekend as safe as possible, even sending out ground rules to the group. 

A couple updates. Cindy and Jen will be unable to join us out of consideration for extreme safety. So Paul and I will also provide brunch on Saturday. Here are some guidelines that I would like to propose as it looks like we will have 5 distinct households joining together. Please wear a mask when: 
1. Preparing food for the group 
2. Inside the house 
3. Playing games with other household groups\ 
Also, household members should partner up and only touch your own balls and bags--OK Allen you can make a joke about that! 
Social distance when seated or wear a mask. Finally, only elbow bumps and no hugging. 
You should also know that Dane County, where we reside, is under a health order and are requiring masks whenever indoors. You will need to wear your masks when you check into the hotel or enter any establishment. 
Andy plans to spend a good portion of the weekend disc golfing. I don’t blame him. I’d do the same if I were in his shoes. It really would have been better to delay the reunion until September, but JoAnna was not going to be denied. And once she decides on such a plan, it’s best to stay out of her way. My plan: make the best of it.

Read chapter 59 here

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