Friday, February 10, 2023

On this day in 1971: Letter to high school friend written during junior year of college

Dear Mark, 

 Enough of Moby-Dick. It's putting me to sleep, as it has done during the past few days that I'm reading it. I should be able to finish by Monday. That will be quite an accomplishment, since the book is such a bore. 

Even though some of the books I'm reading aren't my favorites, this semester should be one of my best. All the lectures are interesting. I can easily see that I might not be playing cutting any classes. 

 The reason for that slip (playing instead of writing "cutting") is that I'm listening to one of Rod Stewart/s albums and he had just sung the line, "playing her fast games". I'm having trouble keeping my mind on the letter. 

I'm taking a teacher education course, mainly for something to fall back on in the future. I definitely won't be student teaching next year. That would mean going to summer school or staying here an extra semester. The choice is obvious. What I'm thinking of doing now is to go to grad school and then maybe teach at the college level. In May of 1972, I'll be no better off than 4 years before with a high school diploma. Ridiculous, isn't it? 

I gave up cigarettes, at least I don't buy them anymore. Every so often, I'll bum one, but that occurs twice a day. Haven't smoked any dope in almost three weeks. Its availability has been near zero. So here I sit with practically no vices at all. 

Tuition is increasing $300 for me next year, from $600 to $900 a year. On top of this, the PHEAA scholarships seem to have fizzled out. That means working all summer so I won't have to take out a loan. If I do decide to go to graduate school, I'd like to be in the clear as far as loans go. I've been making money by giving blood plasma, twice as week for $5 each time. Today I made $17, the usual $5, plus a $12 bonus. From now on I'll be getting a bonus every six times. It's not a gold mine, but it gives me spending money. My friends think I'm crazy to do this. I've never before had so much motherly advice given to me. 

I noticed the Moody Blues are going to be in Rochester on April 14, so you should be seeing me then. I definitely don't want to miss that concert. I have no plans for Easter. My roommates have been talking about going down to Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

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