Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Media resumes bashing Biden now that infrastructure bill is signed


Twitter (highlights added)

Heaven forbid anyone mentions GOP intransigence and obstructionism.

Intransigence.  It's a long-running show.

Washington Post, 7/1/2013
What’s missing in the Republican Party is that willingness to compromise for anything, even if it benefits the particular interests of individual lawmakers or the interests of the party writ large. And this seems to stem from an attitude that emerged during the 1994 elections and has only grown since—the idea that conservatives aren’t just opposed to liberals but that they’re at war with liberalism. It’s why Republicans have dismantled key norms governing Congress and other institutions (see: the filibuster and the 60-vote Senate), and have taken to opposing everything associated with the Democratic White House. If immigration has a chance, it’s because it isn’t identified with President Obama. And insofar that individual Republicans see it as such, they tend to be opposed.


Obstructionism.  Ditto.

People's World, 3/5/2021
They have made a conscious decision to oppose all of this progress and to engage in a multi-layered strategy of attacks on all Democratic plans, a racist campaign to “save” American culture which they say is under attack, a plan to pose as the new “working-class party” protecting us all from liberal elites, a plan to continue pushing the notion that the election was stolen from the people, and a plan to top it all off with a healthy dose of voter suppression.

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