Tuesday, March 8, 2022

GET ME REWRITE: Apparently, the all-white, all-male Wisconsin GOP leadership must think they're something special

Top headlineMadison.com, 3/8/2022
Botton headline:  New York Times, 3/7/2022 (excerpt below)
The Supreme Court on Monday allowed congressional maps that had been approved by state courts in North Carolina and Pennsylvania to stand, giving Democrats an advantage in this year’s election in two key states. 
In issuing the orders, the Supreme Court rejected requests by Republicans to restore maps approved by G.O.P.-controlled state legislatures. Those district lines were thrown out and replaced by courts in both states after challenges by Democrats.

Original 3/4/2022 post, "GOP Lapdog Sisters on Wisconsin Supreme Court don't get their way on gerrymandered election maps", starts here.

Democratic U.S. Rep. Ron Kind's district will also remain competitive, with a Republican lean of two or three points. Republicans had hoped to make that district much more solidly Republican.  
Chief Justice Annette Ziegler wrote in a dissenting opinion that the four justices in the majority were demonstrating “a complete lack of regard” for the state and U.S. constitutions. Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Annette Ziegler. 
“I dissent because here, the majority's decision to select Governor Tony Evers' maps is an exercise of judicial activism, untethered to evidence, precedent, the Wisconsin Constitution, and basic principles of equal protection,” Ziegler wrote, projecting.

2/4/2022 update starts here

Conservative justices Rebecca Bradley, Patience Roggensack and Annette Ziegler dissented in the ruling, with Roggensack writing that "the legality of absentee ballot guidance from (the Wisconsin Elections Commission) has been simmering since 2020, and will likely continue until we thoroughly address absentee ballot issues generated by WEC."
Dear Patience,
The simmering is a result of continued sniveling of the Wisconsin GOP, to which you are beholden.  It's time for you to resign. PLEASE!   In the running for the worst Wisconsin chief justice ever, you have become an embarrassment to the state.
Retiring Guy

1/12/2022 update, "Lapdog Sisters of the Wisconsin Supreme Court continue to show their slavish devotion to Robin Vos", starts here

The dissenters wrote that they would have canceled the deposition for the time being so they could consider weighty issues, including whether lawmakers can be forced to take questions while the legislative session is ongoing. 
"The majority denies all relief without consideration of the constitution, caselaw, or basic principles of attorney-client privilege," the dissenters wrote. 
The majority consisted of Hagedorn and Justices Ann Walsh Bradley, Rebecca Dallet and Jill Karofsky. 
The dissenters were Chief Justice Annette Ziegler and Justices Rebecca Bradley and Patience Roggensack. The Bradleys are not related.

1/11/2021 update, "Despite the continuing obedience of the Lapdog Sisters (a.k.a. the dissenters) on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, the GOP loses a gerrymandering case", starts here.

The majority allowed Evers and another group to make corrections to the maps they had submitted. They said those changes were acceptable because they were effectively replacing one set of maps with another one. 
The dissenters contended it wasn't right to let the governor make changes if the court wasn't accepting a second set of maps from the Republican members of Congress. 
The majority consisted of Hagedorn and Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, Rebecca Dallet and Jill Karofsky. 
The dissenters consisted of Chief Justice Annette Ziegler and Justices Rebecca Bradley and Patience Roggensack. The Bradleys are not related.

Original 8/29/2021 post, "Despite the continuing obedience of the Lapdog Sisters on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, WILL loses its latest mask mandate challenge", starts here.

The state Supreme Court issued its decision late Friday, effectively allowing the mask mandate to remain in place. Three conservative justices dissented from the decision: Chief Justice Annette Ziegler and Justices Rebecca Bradley and Patience Roggensack. The Wisconsin Institute of Law & Liberty, the conservative legal firm that filed the request, or petition, with the state's highest court earlier this month, contended that the mask mandate is illegal and that state law did not give local health officers power to issue countywide mask mandates.

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GET ME REWRITE: Action of Supreme Court lapdogs and inaction of covidiot GOP leadership makes Wisconsin COVID-19 outbreak 'worse' than New York City surge.  (11/13/2020)
GET ME REWRITE: Majority of Wisconsin Supreme Court justices do what they're paid to do (the sleazy saga continues).  (7/11/2020)
GOP lapdogs on Wisconsin Supreme Court sound off on Tony Evers' safer-at-home order (Rebecca Braldey edition).  (5/8/2020)
GET ME REWRITE: Bought-and-paid-for conservative members of Wisconsin Supreme Court serve as office staff for GOP legislative leaders.  (6/27/2019)
Lapdogs Supreme roll over and play dead.   (11/5/2020)
Once again the lapdogs on the Wisconsin Supreme Court show they'll stop at nothing to promote GOP voter suppression.  (9/11/2020)

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