Monday, August 22, 2022

BACK TO NORMAL: When Donald Trump speaks, Robin Vos pees his pants

That bladder control didn't last long.  (See below.)

Headline:  Washington Post, 8/22/2022
After winning his primary by just 260 votes this month, Robin Vos expressed no regrets and stood by Trump. “I think Donald Trump has done a lot of good things for our country, and if he runs again, he could do a lot more,” Vos said in an interview in his state Capitol office. “But I’m not going to say that just because Donald Trump believes something, that I’m going to change what I believe — unless I’m persuaded.”
He's saying that because he's a sniverling, shivering little weasel.   (And Adam Steen is not going away.  He just launched a write-in campaign for the November general election.)

7/21/2022 update, " When Donald Trump speaks, Robin Vos appears to be able to hold his bladder now", starts here.

"He would like us to do something different in Wisconsin," Vos, a Republican, explained to CNN affiliate WISN in relaying his phone conversation with Trump. "I explained it's not allowed under the Constitution. He has a different opinion." 
Trump's latest effort to overturn his election loss, according to Vos, rests on a recent state Supreme Court ruling that bars the use of most ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin, and states that no one can return a ballot in person on behalf of another voter. 
Vos said he explained to Trump that the ruling does not mean the use of ballot drop boxes in the 2020 election were illegal, but that "going forward it can't happen." 
"I think we all know Donald Trump is Donald Trump," Vos told WISN. "There's very little we can do to control or predict what he will do."  

7/12/2022 update, "When Donald Trump speaks, Robin Vos pees his pants", starts here.

Day 383 of WISGOP 2020 election clown show

Headline:  Newsweek
"It's now up to Robin Vos to do what everybody knows must be done. We need FAIR and HONEST Elections in our Country," the former president wrote. "Speaker Robin Vos has a decision to make! Does Wisconsin RECLAIM the Electors, turn over the Election to the actual winner (by a lot!), or sit back and do nothing as our Country continues to go to HELL?"

6/1/2022 update starts here

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos of Rochester announced at the state Republican Party's 2021 annual convention that he had hired former state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman to oversee the review. Gableman claimed without evidence before he was hired that bureaucrats had stolen the election. Vos gave Gableman a $676,000 budget. 
As of Tuesday, the state had spent about $896,500 on the review and five lawsuits related to it, according to invoices released under the state's open records law. "People think it’s outrageous that we’re spending this kind of money on what is really a fool’s errand," said Rep. Lisa Subeck, a Madison Democrat who sits on the Assembly Elections Committee. 
Vos spokeswoman Angela Joyce said Vos did not consider the legal costs to be part of Gableman's budget.

5/20/2022 update starts here

Top headlinePress-Reader
Bottom headlineWisconsin State Journal
Bailey-Rihn said Gableman’s refusal to hand over requested documents leads her to believe that Vos and the Assembly have little control over the former justice’s ongoing review. 
“That leads me to think they are hiding something or they don’t want to tell this court that they’ve turned over all the records because they haven’t, and that’s something that perhaps Speaker Vos has to address that his own people are running amok,” Bailey-Rihn said. 
“I now am somewhat sympathetic if it is the case that Speaker Vos and the Assembly are between a rock and a hard place, but they hired this person,” Bailey-Rihn added. “This is their contractor and if he’s gone rogue and refuses to do what they ask of him then I think they have some other remedies that I think they need to look into.”  [emphasis added]

Day 540 of GOP election hysteria with Namby-Pamby and Trumpkins.

Headlines:  Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (4/25/2022, before it was updated)

Day 505 of GOP election hysteria

Vos desperately tries to wriggle out of the grasp of Trump's small, soft hands.

In a radio interview, the Rochester Republicans said withdrawing the legislative subpoenas could help lead to some officials eventually being prosecuted for crimes. He offered no hint of what crimes they could be charged with and didn't mention three district attorneys have recently declined to prosecute members of the state Elections Commission. 
Vos' idea — floated during an appearance on WSAU-AM in Wausau — could wind down the taxpayer-funded review of the 2020 election and the litigation it has spawned.

3/17/2022 update starts here

Vos plays footsie with election conspiracy nuts while managing to hold his bladder.

Trump has Vos in the grip of his soft little hands.
But earlier Wednesday, Vos met with supporters of the impossible and illegal idea of decertifying the 2020 election. They viewed the event as productive for their effort because Vos told reporters afterward he now believes widespread fraud plagued the contest, despite state auditors saying otherwise.  [emphasis added]
Apparently, Vos is scared shitless by Adam Steen.

3/16/2022 update starts here

The meeting was scheduled after former President Donald Trump and Former Supreme Court justice Michael Gableman, whom Vos hired to review the 2020 election, called on the Legislature to take the illegal act of decertifying.

3/10/2022 update starts here

I think Robin just wet himself again.

I feel confident that Robin will exercise his moral duty to follow up on Justice Gableman’s findings. In addition to announcing that they will stay in session and take action to get rid of ERIC and the WEC, which have done some very bad things and made review very difficult (as also noted by the Legislative Audit Bureau), based on the Gableman report, I would imagine that there can only be a Decertification of Electors. This is one of the biggest stories of our generation, even though the Fake News Media will try to play it down as much as they can.

What else can you say?

3/9/2022 update starts here

Vos issued a statement Tuesday afternoon confirming the new contract and praising Gableman for doing a "good job" looking into election concerns. 
"We will continue to fight the obstruction and myriad of lawsuits filed by democrats and out-of-state liberal activists, questioning the legislature’s subpoena power and ultimately keeping this matter from concluding in the time frame we expected," Vos wrote. 
Former President Donald Trump, who continues to falsely assert that he won the 2020 election, issued his own statement praising Vos for "standing by" Gableman. Trump also praised Rep. Janel Brandtjen, R- Menomonee Falls, who chairs the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections.

3/5/2022 update starts here

Obviously, voting was going to be different with public health officials urging voters to avoid crowds — including at the polls — so they didn’t catch COVID-19, which has killed more than 12,000 and hospitalized 59,000 in Wisconsin. 
That’s why 430 communities set up drop boxes for easy and safe voting outside municipal buildings. Gableman’s boss, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, who hired Gableman to conduct this redundant review, supported drop boxes back when the election was approaching. But now that former President Donald Trump has lost his reelection bid and childishly won’t concede defeat, Vos isn’t saying if he still supports drop boxes, fearing a backlash from conservative conspiracists.

2/5/2022 update starts here

Wis Politics, 2/4/2022
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos says he asked LRB for an opinion on whether the Legislature had the ability to change Wisconsin’s electoral votes after the 2020 election — but only so he could share it with members and constituents who wondered if it was possible
The liberal group American Oversight, who has filed a series of open records requests with Vos’ office and sued him several times over the requests, posted the Legislative Reference Bureau memo this week. 
It was dated Nov. 16, 2020, almost two weeks after the presidential election. Two days later, then-President Trump formally requested a recount of heavily Dem Dane and Milwaukee counties as his campaign lobbed various allegations of improprieties with the Wisconsin election.

You'd think that someone who since 2013 has served as Speaker, the top leadership position in the Wisconsin Assembly, would have a better understanding of the limits of his and the legislature's power and oversight.

1/25/2022 update starts here

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos refused to say Tuesday whether he would support legalizing absentee ballot boxes in the battleground state after former President Donald Trump spoke out against it. Vos, R-Rochester, in 2020 voiced support for absentee ballot drop boxes while arguing against the collection of ballots in Madison parks by election workers.  [emphasis added]

What a pussy!  (noun 3

1/25/2022 update starts here
Integrity.  Not a word in Vos's vocabulary.

As most people know, and Kathy Bernier should have known, Vos is nothing but a weasel.

"Some Rino Republicans in Wisconsin are working hand in hand with others to have drop boxes again placed in Wisconsin," Trump said, using a term for "Republicans in Name Only." "Drop boxes are only good for Democrats and cheating, not good for Republicans." 
Vos said in a statement to the Journal Sentinel he did not support Bernier's proposal to allow communities to have no more than four drop boxes and limit their location to election clerk offices and municipal-owned property that is not a public park. 
"Sen. Bernier was kind enough to share her election reform bill draft with my office. I am not the author of this draft and never planned to be," Vos said in a statement. "I agree that we should focus on election reforms suggested by the Legislative Audit Bureau, but do not support the expansion of drop box use in Wisconsin." 
Bernier, who is retiring, said Vos had not shared that position while she was drafting the legislation and discussing ideas with his office.


Original 7/3/2021 post, "A trembling Robin Vos runs into the arms of Donald Trump with an urgent message", starts here

Our Wisconsin tax dollars at work
Vos announced the hire of former justice Michael Gableman at the state Republican convention in Wisconsin Dells, though Gableman argued the review "is not a partisan effort." 
"What we're after is fairness and honesty," he said. 
Following confirmation of President Joe Biden's victory in the Nov. 3 election, Gableman said the presidency was stolen. "I don't think anyone here can think of anything more systematically unjust than a stolen election," 
Gableman told a crowd at a pro-Trump rally staged Nov. 7 in a parking lot at American Serb Hall in Milwaukee. 
The announcement came about 15 hours after former President Donald Trump released a statement blasting Vos and other Republican legislative leaders, claiming the group was engaging in a "cover up" of election corruption. [emphasis added]

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