Tuesday, May 17, 2022

GET ME REWRITE: Elise Stefanik listens to her master's voice


Headline:  New York Times, 5/16/2022
She has attacked Democrats and “pedo grifters,” borrowing language from the baseless pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory that claims there is a Satan-worshipping cabal of liberal pedophiles, which has evolved into a movement on the right. 
And after the deadly mass shooting in Buffalo, where a heavily armed white man is accused of killing 10 Black people at a supermarket in a racist rampage, Ms. Stefanik is under scrutiny for campaign advertisements she has circulated that play on themes of the white supremacist “great replacement” theory. That belief, espoused by the Buffalo gunman, holds that the elite class, sometimes manipulated by Jews, wants to “replace” and disempower white Americans.
And why can she get away with this shit?

Take a look at the demographics of her House district.

5/14/2022 update, "Elise Stefanik earns place in dictionary", starts here.

Sources:  Twitter, Merriam-Webster

AlterNet, 5/14/2022

Original 6/21/2021 post, "  Elise Stefanik sits on a board that supports democracy around the world while giving voice to Trump voter fraud conspiracy theories", starts here.

upolitics, 6/20/2021

Some fellow board members have expressed concern about her position on the board after the congresswoman has questioned the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s 2020 electoral victory. 
Former House Majority Leader and former NED board member Dick Gephardt (D-Missouri) released a statement: “How is it consistent for someone like her to be on the board of NED given its mission for promoting democracy all over the world and in America with the view that she and many Republicans have for changing our election processes to make it harder for people to participate in our democracy?”

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