Thursday, May 13, 2021

GET ME REWRITE: Board member of Wisconsin eSchool Network blocks attempt to form LGBTQ club, shuts down Black History Month presentation at her school


Constance Quade serves as Secretary on the Board of Direcgtors of the Wisconsin eSchool Network (WEN) and is principal at iForward, a K-12 online charter school that serves students statewide.  It is part of the Gransburg (WI) School District.

Photo credit:  WEN

A district spokesperson said the district is “working to resolve this matter,” but otherwise declined to comment, citing the district’s obligation to protect student confidentiality, which the student has waived, according to the ACLU. 
“Ultimately it’s really silly and it seems against the efforts of education to actively block something that’s about helping students belong, feel connected to school, develop leadership skills,” Juchems said. “It could lead to a lawsuit.” 
Several iForward staff members came forward with concerns regarding Quade’s active role in blocking student efforts to start a club for LGBT students and allies but asked not to be identified for fear of retribution from the administration.

The principal, Constance Quade, said in an interview that she wanted the student council to focus on planning more social activities like virtual game nights and movie nights. “When they came and said, ‘Hey, what about doing something about Black History Month,’ I said, ‘Black History Month is very important, but we have an African American history class and we have it infused in our curriculum. 
My concern is we really need you to do that important job of having events planned that bring kids together and promote friendships,’” Quade said.
Infused?  Like a cuisine?

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