Friday, April 23, 2021

Welcome to the fact-free universe of Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos


"We're going to have a hearing on it, we're going to move that legislation forward," Vos said. "I think it's something that is broadly supported by the public that we want to ensure that folks have a right to compete but they don't have an unfair advantage just because of a choice they're making."  [emphasis added]

Your tax dollars at work: Wisconsin GOP legislature continue their power grab.  (3/9/2021)
Like bratty little kids, Wisconsin GOP legislative leaders refuse to listen to reason.  (2/6/2021)
Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos listens to his master's voice.   (3/24/2021)
Answer: Because Robin Vos wants to be the boss and will destroy the state to get his way.  (1/21/2021)

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