Sunday, March 15, 2020

The 40 GOP members of the House of Representatives who voted against the Coronavirus Relief Bill

All of them white.  39 of the male persuasion.  4 of them from Wisconsin.

How Every House Member Voted on the Coronavirus Relief Bill.  (The New York Times, 3/14/2020)
The House voted 363-40 early on Saturday to pass a coronavirus relief package, a move that came after the World Health Organization declared the virus a pandemic. The bill includes free virus testing for those who lack insurance, paid sick leave, family and medical leave programs, enhanced unemployment benefits, additional food aid and federal funds for Medicaid.All 40 votes against the relief bill were cast by Republicans. 
Representative Chip Roy, Republican of Texas, said Friday night that he opposed the bill because it would “expand government massively” and “put pressure on health resources.”

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