Monday, March 16, 2020

Panicked shoppers flock to Woodman's West in Madison WI

Woodman's West is a 210,000-square-foot behemoth located on Watts Road and South Gammon.   The east end of the parking lot, closest to the liquor store entrance, is usually empty -- a few scattered cars, at most.  This past Friday, there was hardly an open space to be found anywhere.

Photos by Retiring Guy

Panicked Shoppers Empty Shelves as Coronavirus Anxiety Rises.  (The New York Times, 3/13/2020)
Many stick to things that can be frozen or have a long shelf life. Water and Chef Boyardee are favorites. Coffee, bread and pasta, too. Carts are laden with an eye toward lasting weeks, if not months. The coconut cream and merengue cookies are usually left untouched.

Still some bottled water product left at 11:54 a.m.  Distilled water for the inordinately panicked.

That's cans of Arizona iced tea on the pallet.

More distilled water.  (Plenty of Pepsi."

I'm sure these Ice Mountain water bottles disappeared during the next 10 minutes.

Toilet paper.   Probably s.o.l. if you weren't in the store at 11:50 a.m.

Bleach?  Fuggedaboutit.

 Canned tuna.  Going fast!

Eskimo Pie?  Not to worry!

And then there was this photo, the frozen pizza aisle at a local grocery store, in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Not only are folks getting stocked up during our current public health emergency, but there's all set for the next extreme weather event that knocks out power for an extended period of time.

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