Sunday, March 15, 2020

GET ME REWRITE: Trump proposes corporate bailouts while local and state public health departments starve

Headline:  Reason, 3/11/2020
Text:  The Coronavirus Swamps Local Health Departments, Already Crippled by Cuts.  (The New York Times, 3/14/2020)

What the hell, let's make it a real party and throw some money at the fracking industry.

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March 11-15, 2020
Coronavirus point/counterpoint, starring a clueless Donald Trump.  (3/15/2020)
What's the matter with Ted Cruz?  (3/14/2020)
Coronavirus notwithstanding, 4 a.m. DNC bar time still a priority for Wisconsin state legislature.  (3/13/2020)
GET ME REWRITE: 2 Trump fanboys (and Freedom Caucus crazies) reinforce the notion of white male privilege.  (3/11/2020)
Stacking up responses to the coronavirus pandemic (the political rallies edition).  (3/11/2020) 

March 6-10, 2020
The White House burns, a 'raging' fire, while Mike Pence fiddles.  (3/10/2020)
Worldometer (and others) track the Coronavirus.  (3/10/2020)
Presenting Donald Trump, star of The Coronavirus Show.  (3/9/2020)
Trump coronavirus point-counterpoint (stock market edition).  (3/9/2020)
Channeling Bloody Mary: White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow on the Coronavirus.  (3/9/2020)
GET ME REWRITE: Sean Duffy's daughter ridiculed for parroting inane GOP talking point. (3/9/2020)
Dear New York Times, It's called bullying. It's an act of aggression. It has nothing to do with strength of character. Best, Retiring Guy.  (3/9/2020)

March 1-5, 2020
Dear Mike Pence, How's that coronavirus messaging stacking up? Best, Retiring Guy.  (3/5/2020)
GET ME REWRITE: To combat the coronavirus epidemic, Iran's leaders choose a terrible idea.  (3/4/2020)
GET ME REWRITE: Trump fumes as coronavirus tanks stock market, sends re-election campaign strategy off a cliff.  (3/2/2020)
GET ME REWRITE: Pence offers disturbing example of White House's disciplined approach to coronavirus messaging.  (3/2/2020

February 2020
The company he keeps: the Alex Azar connections.  (2/28/2020)
Meet Russell Vought, the 'acting' GOP hack that Trump installed at OMB.  (2/25/2020)
Dear Trump loyalists Richard Shelby and Bradley Byrne, There's this other kind of flu goin' round. Best, Retiring Guy.  (2/24/2020)

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