Wednesday, November 27, 2019

GET ME REWRITE: One-third of this subset of Trump voters might be just enough to doom his re-election

They Voted Democratic. Now They Support Trump.  (The New York Times, 11/26/2019)
And likely rural and older than the average voter.  OK, Boomer!  This group is only a sliver of the electorate — 2 percent of registered voters — and is not representative of all voters. They are overwhelmingly white, 60 percent are male, and two-thirds have no college degree. But the president’s strength among them helps explain why he is highly competitive in states that Democrats carried just one year ago.

Trump won Michigan by a margin of 10,714 votes, or 0.22% of the total number cast.

Trump won Pennsylvania by a margin of 44,282 votes, or 0.72% of the total number cast.

Trump won Wisconsin by a margin of 22,748 votes, or 0.76% of the total number cast.

All of them razor-thin margins.

As the NYT article notes...
Two-thirds of battleground state voters who chose Trump in 2016 but selected Democrats in the midterms say they will return to the president next year.

That might not be enough.

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