Monday, January 13, 2020

GET ME REWRITE: Sen. Tammy Duckworth slam-dunks Trump fanboy Doug Collins

Doug Collins Apologizes for Claiming Democrats Are ‘In Love With Terrorists’.  (The New York Times, 1/10/2020)
Mr. Collins, a strident ally of the president and a leading force in his impeachment defense in the House, made the remarks in a television interview this week as the House was preparing to debate a Democratic-led resolution to force Mr. Trump to go to Congress for authorization before taking further military action against Iran.

According to Merriam-Webster, the first known use of 'slam dunk' occurred in 1972.

Other coinages from the same year include:
  1. air hockey
  2. beer pong
  3. media event
  4. red zone
  5. sound bite

12/6/2019 update, "The second time around:  Meet the GOP lemmings of Congress (the Doug Collins edition), starts here.

Rep. Doug Collins Humiliates Himself At Trump Impeachment Hearing.  (Politics USA, 12/4/2019)
Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Doug Collins shamelessly pandered for the Georgia Senate seat appointment by yelling his opening statement.

Doug is ready to take your money!

Original 10/15/2019 post starts here.

Quoted in  Where House members stand on impeaching Trump (Washington Post)

One of Doug Collins' greatest hits: "One Woman One Man".  (It's a big favorite of the GOP caucus, one of its standards.)

Other Doug Collins posts:
Meet the members of the Republican Study Committee.  (7/8/2015)
No friend to the environment.  (12/14/2014)

Other GOP lemmings posts:
Bradley Byrne, Alabama.  (10/10/2019)
Martha Roby, Alabama.  (10/10/2019)
Mike Rogers, Alabama.  (10/10/2019)
Robert Aderholt, Alabama.  (10/10/2019)
Mo Brooks, Alabama.  (10/10/2019)
Gary Palmer, Alabama.  (10/10/2019)

Don Young, Alaska.  (10/10/2019)

Paul Gosar, Arizona.  (10/10/2019)
Andy Biggs, Arizona.  (10/10/2019)
Debbie Lesko, Arizona.  (10/10/2019)

Rick Crawford, Arkansas.  (10/10/2019)
French Hill, Arkansas.  (10/10/2019)
Steve Womack, Arkansas.  (10/11/2019)
Bruce Westerman, Arkansas.  (10/11/2019)

Doug LaMalfa, California.  (10/11/2019)
Tom McClintock, California.  (10/11/2019)
Paul Cook, California.  (10/11/2019)
Devin Nunes, California.  (10/11/2019)
Kevin McCarthy, California.  (10/12/2019)
Ken Calvert, California.  (10/12/2019)
Duncan Hunter, California.  (10/12/2019)

Ken Buck, Colorado.  (10/13/2019)
Doug Lamborn, Colorado.  (10/13/2019)

Matt Gaetz, Florida.  (10/13/2019)
Ted Yoho, Florida.  (10/14/2019)
Daniel Webster, Florida.  (10/14/2019)
Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida.  (10/14/2019)

Buddy Carter, Georgia.  (10/15/2019)
Rob Woodall, Georgia.  (10/15/2019)

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