Monday, April 2, 2018

Driving 4 miles per hour over the 70 mph speed limit

Issues:  Speed limit increase. (Ballotpedia)
And now when you drive 70 miles per hour, you'll still be the slowest person on the road, Paul.  After Illinois increased it speed limit to 70 miles per hour, Tittl introduced a bill that would increase Wisconsin's speed limit to 70 miles per hour. Tittl noted that Wisconsin was the sole state in the Midwest that still had a 65 miles per hour speed limit, despite a recent uptick of states increasing their speed limits. Tittl cited a recent 140-mile drive he made from his home to Madison. He drove exactly 65 miles per hour to see the relative speeds of other cars on the road.[1] "...I was the absolute slowest person on the road," he said at a news conference announcing the bill. "I did not pass anyone. And there was hundreds of people that went past me."[2]

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