Sunday, August 25, 2019

UPDATE. Rasmussen desperate to pump up Trump's approval rating

The fakery continues

2/7/2019 update, "Once again, Rasmussen is attempting to cook the books to boost Trump's average approval rating", starts here.

Using the idiom in a broad sense.

4/20/2018 update, "The joker went wild:  More on Rasmussen polls", starts here.  

Wildly off the mark.  Fakery.

Brian Hyland's "The Joker Went Wild" debuted at #72 on the Billboard Hot 100 for the week ending July 16, 1966.  It spent 11 weeks on the chart, peaking at #20.

4/8/2018 update, "Through its daily tracking polls, Rasmussen continues to work overtime to narrow the spread in Trump's approval/disapproval ratings", starts here.
And the president's team cheers them on.

Two things:
  1. That 4/4/2018 tracking poll is yesterday's news.  According to Rasmussen, Trump's approval rating went down 4 percentage points in 2 days.
  2.  Trump's average approval rating is 41.5%.   Obama's average approval rating at the same point in his presidency was 47.9%.  Obama's approval rating at the end of his presidency was 57.2%.

2/27/2018 update, "Rasmussen continues its "let's pretend" approach to Trump polling", starts here.

Consistently the outlier.
iPhone screenshot

Related reading:
Why is Rasmussen so different?  (HuffPost, 12/06/2017)
  1. Likely voters
  2. Different question
  3. Automated methodology

2/3/2018 update, "There's the Donald Trump-Devin Nunes collusion and then there the ongoing Donald Trump-Rasmussen polls collusion", starts here.

This phony, thoroughly fake news poll result..... Trump sycophants a chance to play along with "The Clapping Song".

Her 3rd of 3 top ten hits, Shirley Ellis' "The Clapping Song" debuted at #75 on the Billboard Hot 100 for the week ending March 20, 1965.  It spent 9 weeks on the chart, peaking at #8.

1/13/2018 update, "The one and only reason for Rasmussen's Trump approval daily tracking polls", starts here.
To narrow the spread:

And it's been going on from the start of Trump's presidency.  

Why polls differ on Trump's popularity.  (FiveThirtyEight, 2/20/2017)
The differences between these various types of polls may also narrow as we collect more data. So far, the only pollsters surveying likely voters are Rasmussen Reports and Zogby, and they aren’t very good pollsters
(arrows added to FiveThirtyEight table)

8/17/2017 update, "Rasmussen Reports and Donald Trump, working hand-in-hand", starts here.

The Art of Cherry-picking Polls.  (FiveThirtyEight, 6/17/2017)
That poll, however, was one of his better results from a pollster that tends to find better results for Trump, compared to the many approval polls that we track daily.

6/17/2017 update, "This approval bump is brought to you exclusively by Rasmussen", starts here.

(highlight and arrow added)

Related reading:
Polls clash: Zogby 40% for Trump, AP 35%, Rasmussen 50%.  (Washington Examiner, 6/16/2017)
Why polls differ on Trump's popularity.  (FiveThirtyEight, 2/20/2017)The differences between these various types of polls may also narrow as we collect more data. So far, the only pollsters surveying likely voters are Rasmussen Reports and Zogby, and they aren’t very good pollsters.

6/5/2017 update, "Just when President Trump's approval rating is reaching a new low, Rasmussen dons its Mighty Mouse costume", starts here.

Here they come to save the day!

While other polls register continuing declines, Rasmussen pulls a 3-point-bump rabbit out of its hat.

5/24/2017 update, "Rasmussen keeps trying to pull Trump's head above water", starts here.

They regularly come to the rescue whenever Trump's approval polling average needs a little pick-me-up after reaching a new low point.

Source:  Rasmussen Reports via Real Clear Politics

Related reading:
Rasmussen poll of Trump approval rating today is heavily contradicted.  (Inquisitr, 4/16/2017)
CNN notes that Rasmussen also will not disclose how they determine who they call. Most pollsters use a method called random digit dialing, where homes of voters are called randomly, while other pollsters will conduct their polls from a privately maintained voter file. It is unclear which of these methods Rasmussen uses, and Rasmussen will not disclose their methodology. 
The Rasmussen poll of Trump’s approval also was not detailed in all aspects of his job, compared to other polls. Rasmussen only reported on job approval and disapproval, whereas other polls went deeper into issues related to the presidency, international affairs, Congress, and foreign policy.

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