Saturday, May 20, 2017

Robot delivery: Supervisor wants a walkable, accessible, and safe San Francisco

Photo credit:  City of San Francisco

Quoted in San Francisco to Delivery Robots: Get Off the Damn Sidewalk   (CityLab, 5/19/2017)
According to the video,"the robots look like a kitchen appliance crossed with a Mars rover."  These delivery robots are what folks strolling around Washington, D.C., have been seeing in recent weeks: six-wheeled boxes, roughly the size of beer coolers, ambling along city sidewalks, delivering food and other items. If passed, Yee’s legislation would halt all deliveries via robot in the city. Violators could face punishment that includes criminal penalties of up to $1,000 in fines or up to six months’ imprisonment. 

Original 5/16/2017 post, "How high the boon?", starts here.

Robots on wheels may soon deliver takeout to Madison humans.  (Capital Times, 5/9/2017)
Delivery robots from the London-based startup Starship Technologies are already operating in cities across the world in pilot programs. Visit Redwood City, California, and you might glimpse one zipping along a walkway, a human handler strolling along behind it to make sure nothing goes awry. 
According to Redwood City economic development manager Catherine Ralston, the sight is a big deal for tourists, kids and dogs. Otherwise, people don't think twice about it.  
“We have Google self-driving cars going around, so it’s not a big deal when there’s a robot going down the street,” she said.

Ground floor delivery only in the Towering Isthmus?

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