Wednesday, November 20, 2019

GET ME REWRITE: Much like "The Apprentice", Donald Trump's reality show presidency is wearing out its welcome, year after year

Reported in Trump’s Made-for-TV Trade War Keeps World Guessing.  (The New York Times, 7/11/2019)

6/24/2019 update, "TV Showman sticks with what (a) worked before and (b) quickly wore out its welcome", starts here.

Print edition headline:  
TV Showman Sticks With What's Worked Before

Source:  Wikipedia

"The Apprentice" peaked in its 1st season and started to tank after its 3rd.

Trump 2016 Returns, This Time as Nostalgia Act.  (The New York Times, 6/19/2019) 

But, filled with callbacks, fan favorites and references to moments from its first season, it was more rerun than re-imagination. Mr. Trump’s 2016-campaign announcement, four years ago, was full of imagery to remind people of his long celebrity career. He was backed by the pink marble of Trump Tower, the site of so many of his ’80s photo shoots; he glided down its escalator in an image familiar from “The Apprentice.” 

Original 1/25/2017 post, "Donald Trump, alternative facts, and 'The Celebrity Apprentice':  Nowhere near #1", starts here.

Reported in For Trump, Everything is a Rating.  (The New York Times, 1/24/2017)

Not even close to being a top-rated show.

Source:  Wikipedia

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