Saturday, June 4, 2016

Affordable housing: Theory meets NIMBY reality

As quoted in Long Island Hamlet Torn Over Affordable Housing Proposal.  (CBS New York, 6/3/2016)

That's just the way it is in Middleton, Wisconsin.  (Neighborhood testimony from 3/22/2016 Plan Commission meeting, with emphasis added.)
  • _____ said he is concerned about traffic, stormwater, and the scale of the proposed project. He said he is all for affordable housing, he just feels the scale of the project is out of character for the neighborhood. 
  • _____stated this proposal is not suited for the location as proposed.  She said she is not against the affordable housing development.  Her concerns include noise, lighting, traffic, impact to the Conservancy, stormwater management, and parking particularly if the project leads to parking on Old Creek Road.
  • _____ said her house will be the most impacted by the proposed project.  They will lose privacy in their back yard, and she is concerned about the effect of the project on property values.  She said she has no problem with the affordable housing component; she is just concerned about the number of people that would be added to th3e area.
  • _____ said his daughter's property at ___________ is the property most impacted by the proposed project.  He said there will be 38 balconies overlooking the single family home.
  • _____ said the bright lights from the project\ will affect her sleep.  She is concerned about traffic and noise, especially construction noise, from the proposed project.
  • _____ referred to the letter she provided to the Plan Commission along with supporting information about speeding and crime reports.  She said she is very opposed to this proposed project.  She also said she feels Middleton Glen residents should have better access to the Conservancy.  
  • _____ spoke against the project.  He fells it is a poor location in part due to the traffic impact on Century Ave., and the amount of impervious surface that would be added.  He asked the Plan Commission to consider the impact this project will have on his enjoyment of th4e Pheasant Branch Conservancy.

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