Friday, December 26, 2014

Digital-Age Business Skills Defined

M.B.A. Programs Start to Follow Silicon Valley Into the Data Age.  (The New York Times, 12/25/2014)

Digital age business skills
That’s because the degree suggests a person steeped in finance and corporate strategy rather than in the digital-age arts of speed and constant experimentation — and in skills like
  • A/B testing:  method of testing for an advertising campaign that involves two different versions of a web page to see which is more effective
  • rapid prototyping:  process used to build a physical model from a computer drawing by creating layers of the shape and joining them together.
  • data-driven decision making.   Also known as data-driven decision management (DDDM):  an approach to business governance that values decisions that can be backed up with data that can be verified.
the bread and butter of Silicon Valley.

Speaking of.......

Believe it or not, this catchy little ditty spent 7 weeks in the Billboard Hot 100's top 10 and 2 weeks at #2 in September-October 1964.  It played bridesmaid to "The House of the Rising Sun" one week and "Oh, Pretty Woman" the next.

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